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Shadow Warrior Day

Fuzz's picture

Today, May 29th, 2013, is the first annual Shadow Warrior Day.

It is a day to celebrate all that is good about the classic 90’s FPS, Shadow Warrior. Made by 3d Realms using the same BUILD engine used in Duke Nukem 3D, it was an instant classic, found completely by accident by IPX Founders in their youth.

We must investigate whether it can be played on modern hardware, multiplayer. I would love to be able to have a game with any of you who have never tried it.

However… that’s not the reason for today being Shadow Warrior Day.

The reason is… there will be a NEW Shadow Warrior. It may not be the same… but it stars Lo Wang.

Details below:

Happy Shadow Warrior Day All.


linuxslacker's picture

Great Game

Shadow warrior was awesome back in the day hopefully they dont ruin the remake(and hopefully we get a linux version :) my guess is alot of the humor in it is going to be watered down)

as for if the old version works im sure it plays fine with dosbox(it did last time i played) and theres this port too:

Fuzz's picture


We should try out the multiplayer on the jonof port. I think Kazashi and I tried that a while back, but can’t remember how it went.

n0mad's picture

p00r Bunnies

This was the first game that U c0uld kill bunny Rabbits and 0h was it fun

Please w0n’t s0me0ne think 0f the children…..


Sha8doW's picture

Warning 3, 2, 1

Alt fire on the rocket launcher…

Seriously when we discovered that, by accident and a LAN, probably one of the most Awesome moments of my life!

Fuzz's picture


Just can’t happen anymore… That was a special situation where we had a game, no manual, no internet to look up how to play it… so we just figured it out as we went. My memory may be failing me, but I swear we played 2 or 3 LANs before randomly Kazozza completely accidentally stumbled upon that… Told us all to come out to the courtyard cos he wanted to show us something.

3, 2, 1. Nuclear Weapon Ready

Fuzz, Shad, Kazashi: nuclear what??


Good times :)

HarassmentPanda's picture


GoG has it up for $6 (it goes on sale from time to time)

Just runs in DOS Box. Not sure if they attempt to get the Multiplayer working in their releases though

Sha8doW's picture


One of the 1st games to use alternate fire options, and do it well!

From full 4barrel blast on the riot “shot“gun, bouncing nades, altfire missiles though to timed/instant explode sticky bombs!

Few games compared to this!

(and map making was easier then too)

HarassmentPanda's picture


Today, the single player version is free on steam:

Talk about timing

Sha8doW's picture


what a find Panda

Kazozza's picture


…one of the proudest moments of my life.

linuxslacker's picture

duke3d dropped for linux

duke3d megaton edition is now available on steam linux in the public-beta branch and shadow warrior classic redux(and maybe the free one too??) is almost there too(i guess in a day or so)

so awesome to play through these again just finished duke3d and the mods(never played them before they are nowhere near as good as normal duke) up next shadow warrior(when its ready)

Fuzz's picture



linuxslacker's picture

not yet

duke3d multiplayer isn’t ready yet it was meant to be out this month but it was delayed for getting shadow warrior ready(shadow warrior will probably get multi too sometime after duke does its all done by devolver digital). nothing stopping you from using a multiplayer client of choice with the steam data though

they did say that a beta of duke3d multiplayer will be available soon and that was a few days ago so i expect that will drop in a week or so

kinda wish shadow warrior was ready after finishing duke3d + mods im very keen to play shadow warrior and maybe ill also find my copy of blood and play that in dosbox(dont know any source ports for blood that are finished). devolver has said they cant bring blood out on steam because either warner bros or atari own the rights to that now :/

EDIT: Shadow warrior now available too YAY!!! no sleep for me tonight :)
EDIT2: they have been getting alot of crap from people because of the delay so they posted this video to show its coming –

n0mad's picture


Did s0me0ne say Shadow Warrior maps ?

site for 0ld sk00l maps

Als0 Blood was the b0mb in it’s day, many games just using the pitch f0rk…..
Kazashi may be able t0 p0int U t0 a bl00d cl0ne f0r linux….

Ubuntu ph0ne US$780.00 it wanna be awsum but sadly n0t c0nvinced

Fuzz's picture

MP soon?

That’s absolutely amazing news.

I don’t think anyone remembers how good duke, shadow warrior and Blood were for MP. They all love the game, and the single player. But the MP just took it to a whole extra level in terms of fun.

We WILL be playing this, en masse!


linuxslacker's picture

duke3d and shadow warrior classic redux cheap

weekly sale has both shadow warrior classic redux(JFSW port with steam stuff added and linux support + wonton destruction and twin dragon expansions – mp coming after Dukes is done), duke 3d megaton edition(also JF port with steam stuff added and linux support + all expansions. devs curently working on mp) and theres also serious sam 1st and 2nd remakes, system shock 2(one of my fav games of all time – not available for linux yet but devs were doing a wineskin for it) and hard reset which i haven’t played before

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